Uluru’s Magic

Australia, bush, country, photography, Sunset

After walking the Larapinta Trail (about an hour flight from Alice Springs, NT, Australia), we moved on Uluru. Uluru was so beautifully grand, that when we flew into the airport we got an extensive areal view.

Anyway, after we landed we were taken to Longitude 131* and it was the most creative, luxury, unique hotel/ lodge I have ever had the pleasure to visit. Longitude’s vast view of Uluru and the surrounding bush made it a real highlight of the trip just to watch it from the comfort of your own room.

Yet, instead of just experiencing the magic it’s most well known for, from afar. We actually went for drinks to watch the legendary sunset. Here are some more photographs of the change Uluru experiences twice everyday!

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Thanks for reading-

Empress Austen

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